
Please note: a $50 Volunteer deposit per player will be added to the below fees automatically during registration!


Registration for Spring 2024 is now closed.

For any registrations after 2/1/24 There will be a late registration fee of $40 added to the overall cost!

League age recommendations can be found below 

For all new and current Carmichael Families, here’s some registration tips for each division.

Full division details and rules can be found under Documents and then opening the by-laws document.
To determine your child's playing age please use the Little League age calculator link HERE.

Recommended age for each division is as follows:

T Ball (4-5 yr olds)
A Ball (6-7 yr olds)
AA Ball (7-8 yr olds)
AAA Ball ( 9-10 yr olds)
Majors (10-12 yr olds)
Intermediates (13 yr olds)
Juniors (13-14 yr olds)

Tee Ball 4-5 yr olds - If you sign up your 4 yr old for Tee Ball, your child will be in Tee Ball for 2 years. This is mandatory as you cannot be pitched to until league age 6 per Little League rules.

Single A 6-7 yr olds - Coach pitch only, If you feel your 7 yr old needs another year of seasoning and not ready to face player pitching, CLL suggests this.

Double AA  7-8 yr olds - This level is the beginning of Player pitch, 4-6 pitches per batter, if an out or strikeout occur batter is out, if a walk occurs batter stays in the box for 3-4 coach pitches

Triple AAA  9-10 yr olds - Competitive level, all player pitch and all players must try out

Majors 10-12 yr olds - Competitive level, all player pitch and all players must try out

Intermediate 13 yr olds - 50 / 70's  50 foot pitching mound and 70 foot base paths

Juniors 13-14 yr olds - 60/90 level here, 60 foot pitching mound and 90 foot base paths

Seniors 15-16 yr olds - Same as above, but this year our very own district is holding the Western Region Finals with our District 5 getting a 1st round by
Practice / Games start at the end of the high school season, once players have been released from their team.
