For all new and current Carmichael Families, here’s some registration tips for each division.

Full division details and rules can be found under Documents and then opening the by-laws document.
To determine your child's playing age please use the Little League age calculator link HERE.

Recommended age for each division is as follows:

T Ball (4-5 yr olds)
A Ball (6-7 yr olds)
AA Ball (7-8 yr olds)
AAA Ball ( 9-10 yr olds)
Majors (10-12 yr olds)
Intermediates (13 yr olds)
Juniors (13-14 yr olds)

Tee Ball 4-5 yr olds - If you sign up your 4 yr old for Tee Ball, your child will be in Tee Ball for 2 years. This is mandatory as you cannot be pitched to until league age 6 per Little League rules.

Single A 6-7 yr olds - Coach pitch only, If you feel your 7 yr old needs another year of seasoning and not ready to face player pitching, CLL suggests this.

Double AA  7-8 yr olds - This level is the beginning of Player pitch, 4-6 pitches per batter, if an out or strikeout occur batter is out, if a walk occurs batter stays in the box for 3-4 coach pitches

Triple AAA  9-10 yr olds - Competitive level, all player pitch and all players must try out

Majors 10-12 yr olds - Competitive level, all player pitch and all players must try out

Intermediate 13 yr olds - 50 / 70's  50 foot pitching mound and 70 foot base paths

Juniors 13-14 yr olds - 60/90 level here, 60 foot pitching mound and 90 foot base paths

Seniors 15-16 yr olds - Same as above, but this year our very own district is holding the Western Region Finals with our District 5 getting a 1st round by
Practice / Games start at the end of the high school season, once players have been released from their team.
